
The faster you jog or run, the more calories you will burn and the quicker you will shed fat. football boots outlet According to "Runner's World," a pace of 4 to 5 mph on the treadmill is considered a jog. Anything above 5 mph is a run. MayoClinic explains that an average 160-pound person will burn about 606 calories per hour when running at a 6-mph pace. At 8 mph, the average person can burn as much as 861 calories in an hour. Never run so fast that you're compromising your oxygen supply. If you can't breathe, you're going too fast.


If you're interested in toning your muscles or in burning more calories without increasing your speed, the incline feature on the treadmill could be your new best friend. According to a study by A.T. Still University, treadmill users will burn more calories and increase their heart rates when they jog at higher inclines, even when maintaining the same speed.


It might be tempting to crank up the speed as high up as it will go to burn the most calories, but you should also keep in mind that you need to be able to maintain that speed throughout the length of your workout. adidas 11pro uk The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity five times a week. Therefore, you should choose a speed that will allow you to stay on the treadmill for that long without completely burning out. For example, maybe you can run at 8 mph for a few seconds, but it could be impossible for you to stay there. Instead, a 5-mph pace could suit you better.

Interval Training

If you have trouble maintaining jogging or running speeds, you can try high intensity interval training, known as HIIT. To do so, adidas ace football boots run as fast as you possibly can for one minute, then walk or jog for the next two. Repeat five times. According to "Shape" magazine, a 15-minute HIIT session can actually be more effective for calorie burning and fat loss than an hour-long jog at a slow, steady pace.


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